The March Hare - Alice in Wonderland (J. McKay)

“The two operas we are performing couldn’t be more different,” noted Yeh. “One is an English Baroque opera, the other is a one-act Contemporary opera.” The concert opens with Henry Purcell’s greatest work, “Dido and Aeneas.” After the intermission the talented Opera Workshop singers perform the world premiere of local virtuosic pianist/composer Justin McKay’s one-act opera based on Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.” Dido and Aeneas” tells the love story of Dido, Queen of Carthage and her lost love, Aeneas, the Trojan warrior. “Purcell’s music reflects tragic elegance,” noted Yeh. “The Tempest” is filled with enchanted yet avant garde melodies that local composer Justin McKay has written especially for CSU, Chico’s opera students. “We are very much looking forward to this performance,” said Yeh. “I hope people walk away from the concerts with a sense of delight and joy from the two contrasting styles of opera.”